To insert a Blog scrolling text like this:
use HTML tags \u0026lt;marquee> .
html code to use:
\u0026lt;marquee direction = "left" scrollamount = "2" height = "30" onmouseout = "this.start ()" onmouseover = "this . stop () "style =" text-align: center; border: 1px dashed # F5C1CD; "width =" 200 "> Welcome to my blog !!!\u0026lt;/ marquee>
Let's see in detail property and how customize them.
direction = "left" : indicates the direction of animation (which can take the values \u200b\u200bare up , down , left or right )
scrollamount = "2" : Shows the speed of ' animation
height = "30" and width = "200" : indicate the size of the animation
onmouseover = "this.stop () " and onmouseout =" this.start () " : are the functions that block and do share the animation on mouse
style = "text-align: center; border: 1px dashed # F5C1CD;" : indicates the appearance of the animation (you can set the text alignment , color, background, border, etc.)
Welcome to my blog! : is the phrase to be displayed.
Here are some examples of animations ...
left to right
insert images ...
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