Thursday, July 22, 2010

Woke Up Dizzy And Off Balance

The wave of Japanese cartoons in Italy in the years 70-80 was accompanied by a movement unprecedented record of acronyms TV, driven by the capabilities unmatched authors. Who belongs to that generation knows of these acronyms that have high harvest success also in sales. The editorial staff of our memories Animated contacted one of the authors who put the signature in soundtracks such as The Squirrel Banner, The gang of frogs, and other Sandybell. Let's talk about Corrado Castellari , songwriter who has written important pages of Italian music copyright.

Corrado Castellari's career is littered with collaborations with leading artists of Italian music copyright: Mina, Ornella Vanoni, Cristiano Malgioglio, Milva, Loredana Berte, Mortal Coil, Raffaella Carrà, Dino Sarti, The Nomads, Stefania Rotolo, Franco Califano, Amanda Lear, Nino Manfredi, Toto Cutugno, Toby Lightman (author's insights on site, from which I took this information).
I had the opportunity to communicate personally with Corrado Castellari and I found a genuine person, friendly and helpful. Lovers of Japanese animation Corrado Castellari remember with joy for their contributions to certain acronyms tv, having composed the music, which The gnomes of the mountains, Squirrel Banner , The gang of frogs , Sandybell , sing The green apples from , group stage voice that has carved out an important part in the TV world of acronyms in the years 70-80. The symbiosis Mitzi Amoroso and Corrado Castellari , respectively, for the words and music, has created true masterpieces.

This article introduces two important innovations: the ' interview with songwriter and a background , made by myself, with a dedication signed by Corrado Castellari.

Interview with singer-songwriter Corrado Castellari

Our memories animated : A big salute to Corrado Castellari and welcome.

Corrado Castellari: Hello guys! Greetings from a guy like you.

Our memories animated : Your adventure into the world record was born as a cartoon?

Corrado Castellari: .... It was the first year of Japanese, that is, those cartoons that contained a moral, and that fundamental values \u200b\u200btaught to children, first of all good, friendship, love ... but also had the negativity ... the betrayal and evil. ... the obstacles encountered in life and that must be faced with courage and without losing heart, ever.

Then there was a group children, green apples, created by Mitzi Amoroso, who played theatrically and sang on many of these hard songs written specifically to become the symbols of those animated stories, there were just the tenders organized by the RCA (historical record based in Rome) where a number of authors and composers were faced on the field each presenting their own interpretation of the cartoon that was submitted to them. I have to say with pride that we won many competitions, the Mitzi and I with our songs.

Our memories animated : forums, websites and blogs full of enthusiasts remember the green apple with great joy and nostalgia. How you remember them?

Corrado Castellari: Fino a pochi anni fa non avrei mai sospettato che in Italia ci fossero tanti ragazzi che hanno amato e continuano ad amare i cartoni animati degli anni 80, ed io ne sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso perché con l’avvento di Internet e dei siti come Facebook e MySpace, ho incontrato una miriade di ragazzi, trentenni di oggi, che si ricordano con tanta nostalgia e amore di certe mie canzoni scritte tempo fa e che erano la colonna sonora dei primi cartoni animati made in Japan. (La banda dei ranocchi- Sandybell- Ippo Tommaso- Gli gnomi delle montagne- Belfy e Lillibit e tante altre).

Sono continue le dimostrazioni di affetto e di ammirazione per quello che io and my other colleagues have written without thinking about the importance then of course those "songs", coupled with the stories told there would have been so many years later, in training and education of many children at the time.

animated Our memories: The frog at the beginning of the band of frogs, in my opinion, a new trend. How did the idea of \u200b\u200bputting that cra cra beginning of the acronym? Have you met with acclaim by the record?

Corrado Castellari: I have always enjoyed, during the recording of my songs, especially in tracks written for an audience of children, introducing sounds, noises as they give this a little more used to trigger the imagination of a child and see the character and history that is represented in the song. I've always thought of using these devices when they thought there was an opportunity, even if he found a little 'artistic directors of the obstacles I encountered, all' RCA instead, in the person of Silvano d'Auria I have always found full support to my ideas "noisy". Even now I take care of my daughter Melody ( ) many productions for children and I enjoy a lot to mark my songs just like I did at the time of green apples.

Our memories animated : You who composed several symbols of Japanese cartoons of the 80 that you got the idea to spread this kind of animation in those years?

Corrado Castellari: I, as a child, I was very tied to the type of cardboard at the Walt Disney rapprentava because my childhood and the only type of entertainment that existed at the professional level but, at production costs required very high and very long lead times - then came the Japanese with an entirely different concept (and therefore computer faster and cheaper of course) - how to design and humanization always prefer Walt. But children, grew up in those 80 years of television programs and users increasingly intrusive, clearly had a massive dose of this type of entertainment for them, therefore, those cartoons were and remain the best, at least emotionally.


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